scope base for my CZ rimfire rifle

Our CZ scope base rails for the 452, 455, and 457 are made with the 11mm Dovetail.

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  • Rimfire bases are 10-15 in/lbs. 

  • hi, wich tork should I use?


  • Hi.
    So I have a Cz 452 Farewell edition
    And I purchased your Scope Base 20MOA Picatinny.
    Package # 103566-BLK
    The stamp mark on the Base is #103561-A
    MDT CZ 452
    It don’t fit it’s too small for the Dovetail .
    Is there different product #for this Rifle
    European vs USA size?

  • We build our rails to the 11MM dovetail size, so you likely have a 3/8 receiver one and our rails will not fit. 

  • Put a 30moa rail on my 457. Torqued the mounting bolts to 15 inlb as per your website Torqued them again to ensure proper torque. As i torqued one of the bolts the second time the bolt broke. Can you tell me what size bolt i need for replacement. Thank you

  • Please reach out to us through the link below, and we can get you the hardware you need. 

    Submit a request – MDT Help Center (


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