Will my Savage rifle work with your chassis? - video


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  • No mention of the Savage Axis unless that is what you slurred at 0.20 seconds into your spiel, though MDT's site shows that they are available.

  • We do offer our LSS and ESS for the Savage AXIS SA and LA

    LSS - https://mdttac.com/us_en/lss-chassis-system.html

    ESS - https://mdttac.com/us_en/ess-chassis-system.html

  • Will the new savage impulse straightpull work in any of your stocks?

  • We don't have a chassis for the Savage Impulse at this time, but it can happen for sure! 

  • I have a Savage Elite Precision with the MDT chassis in 300 PRC and I just recently purchased a CKYE bipod, which is great by the way. I was able to get my hands on an Impulse Predator to play with. You guys have to make a chassis for it. Better yet, get with Savage and make an Elite Precision Impulse. The Impulse action, with AICS magazines, would be incredible. The action is so smooth you can't believe it. It already takes 110 large shank barrels. They do need to make a long action version though. Savage has a real winner with the Impulse action. It's stronger and slicker than anything else out there. I can't think of a downside to it.

  • We are looking at it for sure, we have heard some good things about the Impulse.  We are glad to hear that you are happy with the ACC on the Elite Precision

  • I wholeheartedly agree with DNAohio, an Elite Precision Impulse or just the chassis, especially a long action, would be tremendous! After shooting my neighbors predator I have the big game in 300 wm at the top of my Christmas list. I'm praying a chassis that accepts AICS mags will be out by then or in early 2022.

  • The best thing to do is to fill out our product request form so we can help track where the demand is - https://mdttac.com/us_en/pre-ordering-information/


  • I have a Savage 110 High Country chambered in .308 Winchester. Is this supported by the MDT chassis?

    Savage 110 High Country

  • Yes, your rifle will work with our Savage SA inlet without issue. 

  • Now that the impulse is available with an MDT chassis as a factory option does that mean that you guys will be inletting some of the other options as well? I keep day dreaming about an impulse in a HNT26 chassis.

  • There are no plans at this time to offer a retail chassis for the Savage Impulse, but please take a few moments and leave us a request through the link below. 


  • I have a savage model 110 apex hunter XP and I do not know if I ordered the right stock for the action for it. Is there a way that you can check for me? The rifle is chambered in 6.5.

  • You will need to verify the distance between your action screws. Short actions will be 4.27" or 4.4". Hopefully, this helps! 

  • I have an E R Shaw mk VII chambered in308 Norma Magnum. It was built in 2015. I believe that the action was built by Savage to E R Shaw’s specs. I would like to know if it would drop in to an LSS-XL Gen 2.

  • It would be best to follow up with ER Shaw to confirm compatibility, as we aren't familiar with the rifle. But if it has a standard Savage foot print, then it will work without issue. 

  • Thanks. I’ll check with E R Shaw.

  • I have a new savage 110 apex predator in .308 with all the different threads online it gets confusing what action options do I need to pick I know .308 is a short action cartridge but I read the 110s are la actions I just need to know before ordering

  • As long as its a brand new model 110 in 308 Winchester, you will need a Savage SA chassis. 

  • I’m waiting to purchase the L-SS XL GEN 2 but do not know if it will fit the savage 110 high county in 300wm. Also what magazine size to get. Thanks!

  • Yes, an LSS-XL for a Savage LA will fit your rifle without issue. You will need a 3.715" magazine for 300 WM. 

  • I have a Savage 111 trophy hunter in 30-06, which I understand is long action. I see that the HNT 26 has an option for the LA, but specifies the CIP 3.65. I’m not sure if this is compatible with my rifle or not.

    The video references an internal magazine for the long action, though my magazine is removable.

    How can I verify if my rifle is compatible with the HNT 26 chassis?

  • Your rifle will physically fit the HNT26; however, depending on what cutout your rifle has, modification of the feed ramp may be required to make the magazine function correctly. 


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